Other files in English:
Communitarianism as a Threat to Individual Freedom, concluding remarks to the General Assembly of Lgbti Liberals of Europe, in coincidence with the ALDE Congress, Bratislava, December 3rd 2022.
Concluding remarks to the seminar “A Different Take on Europe. Listening to civil society”, organised by the Directorate General Justice and Consumers (DG JUSTICE) of the European Commission and the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC)of the European Commission, in association with the European Association of Free Thought, in the framework of the dialogue with the philospphical non confessional organisations provided for by article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Berlaymont, Brussels, April 1st 2019 (Audio file here)
On the 70th anniversary of the Universal Human Rights Declaration, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, December 8th 2018. With the Patronage of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 of the European Union.
2018, interview to Kaja Bryx, Racjonalista TV, Jagiellonian
Cracow, December 8th 2018.
Presentation of the IEHU Freedom of Thought Report 2018 at the European Parliament, Brussels , December 6th 2018 (Audio file here).
“Repeal all Blasphemy Laws”, Giulio Ercolessi statement on behalf of the European Humanist Federation in the Warsaw 2018 “Human Dimension Implementation Meeting” of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Warsaw September 13th 2018 (Audio file here).
German Humanist Day opening ceremony. Address
speech by EHF president Giulio Ercolessi, Nuremberg Ancient
Town Hall, June 22nd 2018 (in German and English)
European Humanist Federation annual General Assembly. Opening speech by EHF president Giulio Ercolessi (Audio file here), Nuremberg, June 22nd 2018.
Artificial Intelligence. Addressing ethical and social challenges. High-level Meeting with Non-confessional Organisations at the European Commission. Berlaymont, Brussels, June 18th 2018. Contribution of Giulio Ercolessi.
“European Parliament Article 17 Seminar with Non Confessional Organisations: The Discrimination and Persecution of Non-Believers around the World”, European Parliament, Brussels April 11th 2018 (Audio file here).
Video file: Contribution to the
Secularity Congress
in Warsaw, October 21st 2017
The Embryo is not One of Us (July 2017).
Video file: “What does it mean to be
European today? In search of a European identity”.
Contribution to the panel in the European Humanist Federation annual
conference “Humanism and Rationalism: Current Challenges and
Ideas for the Future”. Ossolineum, Wrocław, May 21st
With David Pollock, Nyegosh Dube, Joanna Hańderek, Piotr Napierala,
moderatrice Kaja Bryx
Audio files: introduction and replies by Giulio Ercolessi in the panel discussion “Visions for Europe?”, concluding the international conference “Future of European Integration: the Impact of the Financial Crisis on European Solidarity”, organised by the European Liberal Forum with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, the Czech Centre for Liberal Studies and the Association for International Affairs, Prague September 6th 2012.
“Liberalism in 25 minutes”; speech held by Giulio Ercolessi within the two-day training on “Party structures, articulation of a vision, campaigning and internal party democracy and integrity”, organised by the International Democratic Initiative, ELDR, the National Democratic Institute and LIBSEEN (Liberal South East European Network), Poreč/Parenzo, July 1st 2012 (Audio file here).
“Liberal Principles Compared”, Giulio Ercolessi’s contribution to the Summer Seminar 2011, held in Doorn (Utrecht) on September 7-9th 2011, organised by the European Liberal Forum with the support of the International Democratic Initiative and Hans van Mierlo foundation. This text is part of the book edited by Maartje Jansen, Anne van Veenstra and Gosse Vuijk, The Hague 2012.
Video file: “Secularism and
Separation of
Church and State in Europe”, within the seminar “Direitos Individuais na Europa”, organised by
the European Liberal Forum with the support of the Portuguese Movimento
Social, of the Catalan Fundació Catalanista i Democrata and
of fondazione
Critica liberale, Lisbon, November 17th
Audio file: Contribution on
behalf of the European Liberal Forum to the debate
among representatives of the think tanks organisations of the European
political families, organised at Charitas Europe Brussels by the Jesuit
European Office and the
Antwerpen Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius, in view of the European
elections, May 13th
Women &
The State. The
Mediterranean World in the 21st Century”, edited by Barry
A. Kosmin and Ariela Keysar, published by the Institute for the Study
Secularism in Society and Culture, Trinity College, Hartford,
2009, 264 pages. The volume includes a chapter
by Giulio
Ercolessi, “Italy:
Contemporary Condition of Italian Laicità” and can be downloaded or
purchased in paperback from the ISSSC Trinity College site.
“Separation of Church and State in Europe. With views on Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Slovenia and Greece”, edited by Fleur de Beaufor, Ingemund Hägg, Patrick van Schie, published by the European Liberal Forum, Brussels 2008, 190 pages. The volume includes the introduction by Giulio Ercolessi and Ingemund Hägg, “Towards Religious Neutrality of Public Institutions in Europe”, a chapter on Italy by Giulio Ercolessi, “Italy: born as a Secular State in the XIX Century, back to a Clerical Future in the XXI Century?” and “A Note on Recent Developments in France” by Giulio Ercolessi e Ingemund Hägg. This publication was funded by the European Parliament and is not for sale, but can be downloaded free of charge from the ELF web site (pdf, 1.05 MB) or requested in paperback, upon payment of the postage cost in stamps (2 euros inside Italy, subject to variation of the postal tariff for books), from Fondazione Critica liberale, Via delle Carrozze 19, I-00187 Roma.
“Religion, Secularism and European Integration”. European Liberal Forum seminar on “Churches and States in the Civic Identity Process”, June 26th2008, premises of the Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona. Opening conference speech by Giulio Ercolessi (Text and Audio).